onsdag 1. mai 2013



The mindcalming state of having loyal friends
Of nothing else do I dream
The trust of the close ones are all I ask
To be in that position is strengthening,
beyond imagination
To have friendship is to have all
The pride when they like me and trust me
The unquenchable need to return it in full
The joy of caring company
Understanding and support

If friends are beside you, the battle is won
When they're here, all your problems crumble and fall
Thanks be to the One for the friends I have found
I keep them, I care, I will be there if they need me
The mind-siblings, so few and so precious
True friends, they deserve all the good I can give
A friend gives the ultimate: Confirmation of self
Processing the emotion when a friend goes astray
Is hard, the love make it hurt
I do everything for my friends.
If they need a hug, a conversation or a slap.
All can be needed, only friends do it right
I hope I can do for others.
I know it has been done for me.

A part, a fragment, I'm only little
But the things I am part of makes me walk straight and proud
Gaia, the Mother of all.
Awesome in Her magnificense
Love and respect are Hers
She gave us life, she can take it away
The thought of being part of Her is humbling and scary
The speck that is me is also of Her
I make every effort to use what I have
I know it not now, perhaps I might do that some day
How I came to be and the purpose of all
But Her mysteries are beyond me now
I will admire Her life, Her diversity, Her power

Humm, seems like I got a poetry fit. Those things comes popping into my head from time to time. One of my favourites ever is friendship and friends, and I consider keeping them an honour.

Hmm, ser ut som om jeg fikk et anfall av poesi. Disse sakene kommer ramlende inn i hjernen nå og da. En av mine absolutte favoritt-ting er vennskap og venner, og jeg regner det som en ære å holde på dem.

Vel, sov godt den som kan

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